Monday 7 January 2008

Hypnosis CDs and DVDs from Wendi Friesen

Wendi Friesen is a North American hypnotist based in California who offers 250 hypnosis CD and DVD programs to enhance people's lives.

Most popular subjects
- Alcohol Freedom
- Zen of Thin
- Quit Smoking
- Hypnosis Diet CDs
- Stop Procrastination

Unwanted habits
Fingernail Biting, Porn Addiction, Teeth grinding, Bedwetting and snoring.
Use the power of Hypnosis to Stop Snoring!

Pain / Discomfort
Pain/Surgery, Headaches, Allergies, Cancer, Stroke and Back Pain
Release Chronic Pain with Hypnosis

Childbirth, Insomnia, Power Nap, Body Building, Body Mastery, Heal Your Body, Power Nap and Skin Deep
Ease Childbirth with Self-Hypnosis

Mind Development
Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Intuition, Commitment, Body Language, Focus and Intention, Release the Past, Time Lines, Find Your Dream and Get Over Loss
Push the Boundaries of Intuition with Hypnosis

Sports Performance
Sports Mind, Sports Excellence, Golf Hypnosis, Basketball and Bowling
Improve at your Game - Self-Hypnosis for Golf

Why order Hypnosis CDs from Wendi? Let her tell you about one specific program:
"The best part is this. In my office the sessions are $180 an hour. We would probably do about 6-10 sessions and you would be doing well. When you order the CD program, you only spend $79.00 and use it in the privacy of your own home. You may see results in as little as the first week, or you may continue with it for a couple of weeks. I know it will work and that is why I offer a one year money back guarantee."

At the moment she is clearing stocks of faulty disks, eg CD programs with a scuff on the cover, a label with a misprint, or a CD that was exchanged and such. GOOD NEWS for you! These are all in perfect playing condition and the CDs are guaranteed to work perfectly. They just cannot be sold at the full price. So go here for the limited quantity of scratch and dent items.

For other hypnosis Mp3 downloads, visit

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