John describes the learning process in three parts –
Input – Processing – Output
The key principle he says is on the output. By going to a seminar or reading a book you have the input. Your mind will process the information for you. So the secret to mastering NLP is in the output part of the learning formula.
It is only when you output i.e. try and use language patterns or anchor someone that you realise what you actually know and what you don't know.
This output then works as a feedback loop. Find out what you need to know more of or practice more of. Get the input required (read a book, learn more), process it and then output the results again and notice the change. That's the learning cycle and the secret to mastering NLP in 3 simple words - Input-Process-Output.
The mistake most NLPers do is they don't do the output. Just attending a seminar is not enough, reading lots of books is not enough. To increase your skill level you need to use the output. You need to practice the skill, notice what's not working and then improve on it.
That's all it is - the people who get good at NLP, the master trainers we interviewed all used the skills everyday - they had an output channel to complete the learning cycle. Without the output channel your learning cycle is incomplete its just processed knowledge!!
So start today, pick an area of NLP that interests you – identify an output channel i.e. language patterns at work, changing your friends states….. and use the output to kick off your learning cycle to NLP Mastery.
For a more detailed explanation on how you can gain a quantum leap in your NLP skills by just using these 3 simple words and more on John La Valle's Learning Formula - buy the Modeling The Masters programme now.
On John La Valle's interview you will also hear about Brain Juice, dealing with clients, NLP in the corporate world, mastering language patterns and much much more
Dont let this opportunity slip by, hurry over to Modeling The Masters and grab your copy before the price goes up.
Until then have fun, learn lots and remember to use the output channel !
Modeling the Masters gives you interviews with 10 of the best NLP Master Trainers including Dr Richard Bandler. These 10 Masters are:
Richard Bandler – Genius and Co-founder of NLP
Michael Breen - Founder of the NLP Business Practitioner
Michael Neill – Success Coach To Celebrities
Brian Colbert – The Chemist of Consciousness
John La Valle - Persuasion Engineer Extraordinaire
Gabriel Guerrero - Therapeutic Wizard
Dr Joseph Riggio PhD – Architect of the MythoSelf® Process
Owen Fitzpatrick – The Worlds Youngest Master Trainer
Barbara Stepp - Premier Coach and Healing Hypnotist
Mark Hayley - Experimental Hypnotist and Apprentice
To read what they have to offer and how successful they have been in using NLP, just click here to see Modelling the Masters.
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